Naperville Negligent Security Lawyers

When you go onto someone else’s public or private property, you don’t expect that you’re going to end up severely injured because of the carelessness of that property owner. If you are here reading this page right now, it’s likely because you suffered a serious injury and are looking for a way to get justice. Our Naperville negligent security lawyers are here to help guide you through your negligent security case to get justice for all of your damages related to an injury that you suffered on someone else’s property. Call today to see how you can get justice.

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    Understanding Negligent Security

    The term “negligent security” is an umbrella term that covers a lot of different incidences. Here are some examples of what negligent security cases look like:

    A young woman walking to her car in a parking garage late at night is in a poorly lit stairwell where there are no cameras. While she is making her way up to her floor, she is attacked and robbed. She suffers fractures to her skull from the attack and loses her car keys, phone, and wallet in the event. The liable party in this incident would be the owner of the parking garage for not taking proper security measures to prevent an event such as this.

    A woman who is living alone in her apartment is sexually assaulted by someone who broke into the building. During the police investigation, she learns that the intruder walked through the door that was supposed to be locked but the locks didn’t work and the lighting was dim so they could not identify anyone coming in or out on the security cameras. The liable party would be the apartment owner for not taking proper security measures where needed to prevent such an assault.

    Another example would be a group of cars in the parking lot of a hotel being vandalized and their windows smashed. Had the owner of the hotel installed security cameras or had patrol vehicles and guards on the property then those cars might not have been damaged or vandalized. Those damages would be strictly property damage for the victims, whereas other negligent security cases often involve bodily harm.

    If you lived through something like this and you want to seek justice because you believe your accident or incident could have been avoided, then please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Naperville negligent security lawyers as soon as you possibly can to get a free consultation and get started on getting justice for your case.

    Here are the types of crimes that we often see related to negligent security cases:

    • Sexual assault
    • Vandalism and property damage
    • Mugging or armed robbery
    • Battery or assault

    You should bring a case if you experienced one of these because of negligent security. If you are unsure whether or not your injuries and your incident would be considered a negligent security case, please reach out to us as soon as you possibly can and we will go over the details of your case and give you a clear answer on what you are entitled to legally.

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    Where Negligent Security Takes Place

    Every negligent security case is going to be completely different and unique just as everyone’s life experiences are unique and different. There is one common denominator, however, in all negligent security cases and that is that they happen on someone else’s property.   

    We see many cases take place at stores and malls, for example. We often see robbery and muggings any place where there is an exchange of money. That includes hotels and gas stations where a victim might be assaulted or harmed and be eligible to bring a claim against the property owner.

    Cases often involve locations where people stay overnight, as well. We see cases come from college dorms as well as assisted living centers. Many of these locations, such as a nursing home or a daycare or a high school etc., can house vulnerable populations, too.

    Cases can also come out of areas of recreation like casinos, sporting arenas etc.

    If you have been injured on any of these properties or ones that we have not listed, our Naperville negligent security lawyers want to hear from you so we can give you the advice that you have been looking for regarding whether or not you should bring a claim. We will certainly look into your case and give you a rundown of what actions you should be taking if you want to receive justice from the property owner.

    Negligent Security Claims Process

    The process for your negligent security claim begins immediately after you are hurt. The very first thing that must happen is getting immediate medical care. After you get your injuries addressed, you need to reach out to our Naperville negligent security lawyers. There are several things that are time sensitive that they need to take care of as soon as possible.

    For us to have a successful claim, we need to prove a few things. Firstly, we have to prove that our liable party was the owner of the property at the time of your incident. We have to show that they knew that they were lacking security measures that would have kept you safe. As soon as we can show that they knew that they were missing steps to mitigate accidents like yours, then we can show that this was negligence that caused your injuries. We can prove that this could’ve been avoided if they had done something better. Had the property owner chosen to take just one extra step to keep people safe you might not be suffering in the way that you are right now.

    Once our Naperville negligent security lawyers can establish that there was negligence that caused you to be harmed, then we can start seeking justice for you. We will go after the liable party for all of your damages in the form of compensation. This will be a challenging process but it is nothing that we have not handled successfully before.

    Negligent Security Case Value

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    When we try to figure out what your case is worth, it can be challenging because there are a lot of things to consider. Our Naperville negligent security lawyers thoroughly investigate your case and we want to get a complete understanding of how it has impacted you and your life since you’ve been involved. We look at two main ways that you have been affected by this accident; financially and emotionally. These can be broken down basically into economic damages and non-economic damages, respectively.

    Economic damages cover all of the ways that you’ve lost money or all of the ways that you’ve had to spend money since being involved in this incident. If you had to take an ambulance ride to the emergency room, your economic damages will cover the cost of the ride as well as all of your bills at the emergency room. It is also meant to cover all of your associated medical treatments and medication etc. This can cover past and future economic damages.

    Non-economic damages can be trickier to calculate because you don’t see them in hospital bills or in your lost wages, which are super easy to punch into a calculator. Non-economic damages relate to the pain and suffering that you went through, as well as any lingering mental anguish that you feel after having been involved in an accident such as this. People can suffer PTSD, anxiety or depression following assaults or muggings. This can lead to a reduced quality of life, which we will aggressively seek compensation for.

    Here is an example of how that might work:

    A woman who was beaten in a parking lot for her car keys and her vehicle will suffer economic damages in the sense that she has to pay for her ER visit and her surgeries and any follow up medical care related to her injuries from the assault. She also has property damages from having her vehicle stolen, if the police could not return it to her. She might also suffer non-economic damages in the sense that she has anxiety and can no longer go grocery shopping alone because she was afraid of having another incident. Experiencing trauma after an event like this is very common and she should receive full compensation for that.

    Call Our Naperville Negligent Security Lawyers

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