Do you know what steps after a dog bite injury to take? Watch this video, then call our Naperville attorneys to get started on your claim.

What are the steps I should take after a dog bite injury?
A gentleman called us last week and told us his grandson had been bitten by a dog, and he wanted to know what steps he should take right off the bat. We told him, first of all, get your grandson medical care and make sure that the wounds are treated properly. The second step is to make sure you get the owner’s information for the dog. A lot of times, people will call our office and don’t know who owned the dog or the location of where the dog bite took place. It’s very important that we know that information so that we know the appropriate people to reach out to in order to start your claim.
{"@context":,"@type": "FAQPage","mainEntity": [{"@type": "Question","name": "What are the steps I should take after a dog bite injury?","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "A gentleman called us last week and told us his grandson had been bitten by a dog, and he wanted to know what steps he should take right off the bat. We told him, first of all, get your grandson medical care and make sure that the wounds are treated properly. The second step is to make sure you get the owner’s information for the dog. A lot of times, people will call our office and don’t know who owned the dog or the location of where the dog bite took place. It’s very important that we know that information so that we know the appropriate people to reach out to in order to start your claim.
If you have a question about a dog bite case or you think we can help, please give us a call. We’d love to help you out.
Have you been seriously hurt in a dog bite or a dog attack incident in Illinois and have questions about the steps after a dog bite injury? Contact our experienced Naperville dog bite attorneys today for a free consultation and case evaluation.
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