8 Frequently Asked Nursing Home Negligence Questions

If you believe your loved one is being treated inappropriately, read these 8 frequently asked nursing home negligence questions. Then call us!

1) How Do I Choose the Best Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer?

Senior couple hugging in a nursing home.You want to make sure that you’re hiring a firm or a lawyer that knows how to handle nursing home cases, but it’s also important that you develop a personal connection with the lawyer and be sure the lawyer that you hire is going to handle your case from the very beginning to the very end.

2) What is my Nursing Home Abuse Case Value?

It’s really hard to value what a nursing home case is worth at the very beginning. So much of the value of a nursing home case is going to depend on the nature and extent of the injuries and how much medical care is going to be required. Those questions at the very beginning are just sometimes impossible to know.

3) What is the Nursing Home Abuse Case Timeline?

It’s really hard for us to say how soon we will be able to resolve a nursing home case. It really depends on the nature and extent of the injuries and how quickly the injured loved one is able to heal.

4) What are Some Common Mistakes To Avoid in Nursing Home Neglect Cases?

Some common mistakes that people make when they have a nursing home claim is they don’t report the abuse right away. They don’t report it to the nursing home or the Illinois Department of Public Health, which is one of the agencies that regulates nursing homes in the state of Illinois. They also don’t call a lawyer right away. It’s very important to hire a lawyer when you think you have a claim because there are steps that we can take to preserve the evidence in your case.

5) How Do I Go About Reporting Nursing Home Abuse?

First of all, you want to report it to the nursing home right away. Second, you want to report it to the Illinois Department of Public Health. The Illinois Department of Public Health regulates nursing homes and can investigate nursing home abuse and neglect.

6) Should I Speak to the Insurance Company About my Nursing Home Abuse Case?

Absolutely not. You never want to speak to an insurance company or a lawyer for the insurance company while you yourself are unrepresented. The only reason the insurance company would be reaching out to you is to develop evidence that they can use at a later date to defeat your claim.

7) Should I Accept the Initial Offer From the Insurance Company For a Nursing Home Abuse Case?

No, absolutely not. The first offer that’s made by an insurance company is never the last offer.

8) What are Some Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse?

You should immediately report any suspected abuse to the Illinois Department of Public Health. They will investigate any of those claims, speak to the nursing home and any of the care providers inside the nursing home, and they will start an investigation.

Do you believe your loved one is being treated inappropriately in Illinois and have questions? After reading these 8 frequently asked nursing home negligence questions, contact our experienced Naperville nursing home abuse lawyers today for a free consultation and case evaluation.

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