Choosing the Best Bus Accident Lawyer

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    Do you need help choosing the best bus accident lawyer for you in Naperville? Watch this video, then give our lawyers a call to schedule a free consultation.


    How Do I Select the Best Bus Accident Attorney?

    Video featuring accident lawyer Tom Chute


    We were called the other night by a potential new client who was injured on a municipal bus in Naperville, and she was wondering how she would best go about selecting the right attorney. We told her, specifically, you have to find a lawyer who’s experienced in dealing with accidents that occur as a result of careless and negligent acts by bus companies. In this particular case, we have that type of experience. We’re able to litigate these cases against Pace Bus, against the CTA. We’re well-known within the industry, and we would be able to provide that certain expertise that you need when going up against one of these municipal bus companies.

    If you have any further questions, please give us a call. We’re here to help.

    Have you been seriously injured in a bus accident in Illinois and have questions about choosing the best bus accident lawyer for you? Contact our experienced Naperville bus accident lawyers today for a free consultation and case evaluation. Like us on Facebook

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